first date
the sound of the motor
between us
her sms lilac scent
1st birdsong
the light lovers
touch each other
she asks me
if i love her
evening star
in bed
the gap between us fills
with spring light
heaven's gate
I into U
alone with her …
a cloud comes closer
to the mountain top
deep night
beside me
in a dream
of my galaxy
in love
the stars
summer rain
a new lover's scent
on my skin
(Seperation Sequence)
The following poems have been written around one year ago after a separation, and i published most of them as a single poem and as 3-liners in various places; recently i tried to make a little sequence of them, and used the oneline form to achieve the effect of a "»lineal syncopation«....
blaming sometime the rain became snow
alone again noticing the cobweb in a hidden corner
she’s gone sharing the double bed with the tomcat
dreamt of my ex the anger
swallows depart she comes back to get her things
my DVDs without the player after she left
our flat’s empty rooms the moon lights them all
moon gazing how long I want after she left
she's gone the blue blue snow
birdsong in the gap of the couple's argument
cold autumn morning
the old couple
coughs to each other
last hug her hair holds the fall light
winter rain
she talks
of old loves
first meeting
with her parents
the window's frostwork
dense snowfall
between her lines
something untold
after the quarrel
my eyes captured
by the fall rain
between the years
the blue smoke
out of her mouth
first fine day
i start again
the hunt for love
the stewardess pulls at
her skirt
first snow
staying in bed
with a horn
low spring sun
a strange girl enters
my shadow
subway girl so close so far
boughs sway
in the autumn wind ...
erotic thoughts
1st warm day
my colleague's
tight pink shirt
winter night
where her face was
an open book
winter dawn light
her blue skin
before I touch
her long hair
the slightest scent
of the sea
apple blossoms
your fragrance
in my mind
the void she leaves …
a honeybee enters
an apple blossom
sea of stars
beyond blizzard clouds
my love for you
first snow
the scent of roses
on her skin
last kiss
the smell of hay
in her hair
snow over night
where her car was parked
still green grass
she & buddha smiling after sex
alone in the bedroom window venus
separation …
the alarm
brings her back
eye contact
the crackle
of my leather jacket
in a dream light lovers without shadows
Dietmar Tauchner